The future of emotion sensing is here.

Up to 90% of human decisions are based on emotion, understand your audience more thoroughly and meet their needs. We’re providing a quantifiable approach to the human experience.

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Supporting group and individual mood tracking

Upmood noninvasively collects biometric data such as HRV, BPM, stress level and emotional states, to drive insight into how anything makes a user feel.

From biomarker detection to analysis, we’ve got you covered

The body can reveal a lot about our emotions. Our end-to-end solution suite enables anyone to detect, analyse and act on their data. Find out more about how our system works.

Our Solutions

A quantifiable approach to the human experience.

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Individual Mood Tracking

Live with more emotional intelligence and understand what creates ups and downs throughout your day.

Group mood detection

Group Mood Tracking

Gather real-time insight on how your customers feel about your business’ products, services and experiences.

Powered by Upmood

Powered by Upmood

Use the Upmood Algorithm in tandem with your own hardware to determine the user’s mood data.

For group testing, individuals and researchers

See Upmood In Action

The emotion recognition technology behind understanding your emotions

Validated in a 2-year study with 1,000 participants, 2 out of 3 people reported the same positive emotion as the Upmood Algorithm when asked how they felt.

Our technology empowers companies, universities, SMEs across different sectors to get in touch with their users through these methods:

What our clients say

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